A Bit of Wit and Wisdom served in a Cyber Cup

Monday, March 28, 2011

Personal Trainer Hell...

I could preface this blog by stating that I love my job.

But I can't.

What I do love is Personal Training.

I love to see people regain their health and vitality (and a smaller jean size) through proper nutrition and exercise. I love being their support system, counselor, admonisher, cheerleader, etc.

Sometimes I get to do that here at Curves.

Many of the women take their workouts seriously.  Many of them have a sane idea of how and what to eat.  Many of them come in with a great attitude of encouragement and friendship.

But then you have the ones who give Curves the reputation of being an "old lady" gym...

Their workouts are inconsistent.  When they buy a membership they agree wot workout 3x's a week to see results.  Most do not.  They hit and miss once or twice a week and then end up leaving, fist in the air screaming


When they DO make it in, they complain about the hours, the contests, CurvesSmart (which they don't use).  They treat staff like whipping boys, rolling their eyes and laughing when we share with them a bit of health  knowledge or share a new product. They talk about the latest fad diet while completely ignoring the proven success of our weight management program.  They insist on going to the stretching area to perform sit ups or ab crunches with the most incorrect form after their workout becuase they didn't get enough inthe circuit...when they ask in exasperation what the BEST exercise for abs (that roll of fat around their middle) is and I point to the squat machine they smirk and ask again.....things get real interesting when I tell them the next best exercise is to:


Many of the women here are here because they KNOW Curves is the BEST WORKOUT IN TOWN.  Some of these women are here because they aren't comfortable in a typical gym...not happy jumping on a treadmill next to the tramp stamped Barbie Doll....whether she is 22 or 52...

Believe me, I GET IT.

It's hard going to a gym overweight.
I've done it.
But it is a decision.

Do you know what that Babie Doll looked like 2-3 years ago?
Mayber she was the fat kid.
Maybe she was coming out of a bad marriage.
Maybe she was just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

So today I have to members who cancelled the end of last year.
They want to rejoin.
They see the value of the workout.
I know they will want to come back at their old membership fee.
That ain't gonna happen.
I have printed their results over the span of their membership.
Nothing to write home about. They never ook their workouts seriously...and I am gonna point it out to them.
I am also going to do a Fitness Assessment on them. From our phone conversation late last week I know that isn't gonna be good.

I am gonna have COME TO JESUS meeting with them.
Ask them to make a comittment.
I am going to do what I am trained to do, whether they like it or not.
Because whether or not they like it, they want it.

I am gonna take this little bit of hell and make it the heaven I need it to be.
Lifestyle change gave me a new life. I want to share that....even if it means stepping on toes and keeping things real....

Getting fit isn't always easy...but it isn't near as hard as most make it out to be.

I've been the fat housewife on the treadmill next to Barbie....
...and while I am not *Barbie*, I still get "the look" during my workout...because I am not there to share recipes, talk book club, plan Bunco....

I am here to change my life.
...and it's always changing....

I am here to help you change yours.
I will encourage you to work harder even if you think you can't work any harder (you can).
I will answer your nutrition questions from an educated standpoint, not the Self Magazine version....

What I won't do is listen to your excuses, your whining and your threats to cancel.  My boss can't afford for me to do that. 

Now if you'll excuse me...Barbie on the dip shrug needs me to push her a little bit even though her Curves Smart is green.....


  1. Sweet.....speaking of which...have you worked out today Mini Me?
